NICE Group provides Korea’s only financial services infrastructure for credit ratings of individuals and corporations. NICE Group provides Korea’s only financial services infrastructure for credit ratings of individuals and corporations.
NICE has Korea’s first and leading credit rating agency, and has provided the financial market participants with standards & guidelines for credit risk evaluations based on credit-ratings of individuals and businesses. We provide fair and timely professional information to resolve the problem of information asymmetry, and provide meaningful insights to industries.
NICE Credit Index has been the standard in the capital markets from 1985.NICE Credit Index has been the standard in the capital markets from 1985.
NICE Information Service
Personal credit assessmentCredit rating of individual business operatorsCorporate credit ratingTech Credit Bureau (TCB)ESG assessment
Corporate credit ratingTech Credit Bureau (TCB)ESG assessment
NICE Investors Service
Credit Rating for Corporate Bonds & Commercial PapersCorporate Credit RatingCredit Rating for Short-Term Bonds & Asset-Backed SecuritiesAssessment of Business FeasibilityESG assessment (ESG bond and a Company’s ESG)
Bond asset mark to marketELS / DLS Fair valuationAlternative Investment Fair valuation
NICE assesses the credit rating of individuals and businesses in more detail based on a greater diversity of data.
Market share in 2023(as of 4Q 2023)
Credit information of economically active population of 44.71 million people in Korea
Corporate Credit information
Korea’s best expert group for model development(as of 4Q 2023)
CB model project orders awarded
Corporate model project orders awarded
New credit assessment model based on new technologies
Assessment model applying machine learning
launched for the first time
machine learning
New functions introduced, including multi-target models
considering risks and profitability
NICE creates valuable data by combining our own data with diverse outside resources.
NICE creates valuable data
by combining our own data
with diverse outside resources.
NICE information business data
NICE Payments business data
NICE provides practical data experience useful to individuals to empower data. NICE provides practical data experience useful to individuals to empower data.
My Data Service for NICE Credit Care members
NICE provides our customers with useful services developed by collecting their vast volumes of data scattered in the financial institutions and markets.
NICE Score provided
through diverse channels
You may check your NICE credit score at internet banks, fintech or financial firms, communication service channels, etc. NICE Information Service
Service comparing
cosmetics data
Cosmetic industry’s largest of over 5.5 million review data Information concerning over 180,000 cosmetics Cosmetics ranking data provided
NICE resolves information asymmetry issues in the beauty market based on cosmetics ingredient data. BirdView
Automobile information inquiry service
NICE provides information concerning automobiles owned by its customers through diverse channels. NICE D&R
Commercial area information service
Over 50 different projects carried out for diverse industries
Source data across over 500 industries
Over 3.2 million bits of commercial district information across the country
NICE provides commercial area analysis service based on up-to-date big-data of commercial districts.NICE Zinidata
NICE also exports credit services infrastructure by leveraging
big data in cooperation with global businesses.
NICE also exports credit services infrastructure by leveraging
big data in cooperation with global businesses.
Korea’s biggest database service of global business informationNICE D&B develops and provides credit rating data of over 500 million global businesses in over 200 countries.
Personal Credit Bureau (CB) and big data infrastructure developed in VietnamNICE has developed the Personal CB Service in Vietnam by developing CB score for CIC, a public credit information agency and Telco & Marketing Scores utilizing local data in Vietnam.